Informed, Experienced, Objective Outside Counsel

Good outside business counsel:

  • Knows business
  • Is candid and professionally direct
  • Asks new questions that lead to better answers
  • Provides proven ideas from a wide variety of industries
  • Uses the most effective planning, branding and sales processes
  • Creates time for business leaders to focus on their business
  • Knows which business tools to apply in different situations
  • Discovers better and more complete information from customers, prospects and employees
  • Increases sales and profits


Clients working with McLandrich Consulting find and exploit more opportunities, and get and keep more customers for less cost.

Their businesses run more smoothly and with greatly reduced waste.

Employees are happier and management has time to think.

Founded in 2005, McLandrich Consulting provides work tailored to each client’s situation – not canned solutions.

If desired, McLandrich Consulting assists with implementation.

Work is performed on a fixed-investment basis. McLandrich Consulting clients know what will be done, by when and at what investment. Then, excellent work is delivered.

To provide clients with effective planning, branding and selling, McLandrich Consulting uses a proven planning methodology fitted to each client. This methodology integrates information from within and outside the client company.

This methodology creates an actionable plan with clear responsibilities, a budget and timetables.

With over 30 years experience as an advertising agency executive, package goods marketer, entrepreneur, CEO and consultant, Drew McLandrich has created winning business plans, profitable companies, built strong brands and increased sales and profits.

Drew McLandrich holds two US patents, 7,008,656 and 7,237,271.

Levels of the Game

Sometimes growth happens without an informed, structured plan.

chalkchartPlanning makes growth more probable, more profitable, and sustainable.

Without such a plan, business growth often is:

  • Hard to sustain
  • Minimally profitable
  • Damaging to a company’s staff, its reputation, its owner

In the more complex business environment created by growth, business processes, policies and people that once worked well are no longer viable.

Planning greatly reduces the chaos and unnecessary suffering unplanned growth can bring.

Growth should be a joy!


Companies with an informed, structured plan consistently outperform companies that wing it.

Most always, good outside counsel prepares better plans, creates stronger brands and better selling processes than those created by a business’ internal resources.

Brands are shaped around customers and prospects from the knowledge and understanding gained from interviewing them.

Selling is easiest when what is being sold most closely fits customers’ and prospects’ needs.

By driving the planning process, good outside counsel frees a company’s leadership to concentrate on their business.

McLandrich Consulting’s Clients

  • Care for seniors
  • Machine graphite
  • Prepare and sell food
  • Manufacture packaging
  • Reduce and remove static
  • Repair boilers and heat exchangers
  • Manufacture and sell high purity chemicals
  • Design, manufacture and sell hospital televisions
  • Design, manufacture and install playground equipment

McLandrich Consulting clients know effective planning, customer-centered branding and enhanced selling are investments, not expenses.

McLandrich Consulting takes superb care of clients.

McLandrich Consulting creates effective plans, desirable brands and stronger sales processes.

If desired, McLandrich Consulting assists with implementation.


"It's not the plan, it's the planning."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Companies that plan consistently outperform companies that wing it.


"Branding is about everything."
-Tom Peters

A brand is a promise. A known entity. An expectation. A shortcut.


"Of course, nothing happens until somebody sells something."
-Jim Barksdale

Today's top sellers teach, tailor and take control of the sale.